Asher Eagle

Massage Therapist

As a Licensed Massage Therapist and someone who grew up with alternative methods of healing, Asher uses massage not only to destress and relax the body, but to ultimately guide it to heal itself. He is fueled by the belief that therapeutic touch benefits both mind and body, making it an ideal tool for prompting relaxation. Asher's sessions are all custom designed for his clients, implementing specific modalities combined with education on how to properly maintain the body's performance. His work is an ideal fit for anyone dealing with chronic illness or injury, persistent stress, fatigue, or simply struggling to make self care a regular practice.

To cancel an appointment, click on “My Account” in the upper righthand corner and then choose “Schedule” from the menu.

Please note that if you’d like to reschedule your session, you will need to do so by canceling the conflicting time slot and then booking a new day/time.